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Совещание у ЗПР по поводу выбора маршрута

invisible: Следующий отрывок взят из японской летописи РЯВ. The Russian Fleet to Tsushima. A certain Russian officer who was on board the flagship of the Third Squadron, and who being released on parole at Sasebo stayed at Nagasaki, described the voyage of the Russian fleet to Tsushima and also gave particulars of the council of war held by Rojestvensky, as follows :— At noon on the 4th of April, when the Third Squadron left Jibutil, the flagship signalled that every one on board the squadron should make cautious endeavours to effect a junction with the Second Squadron. It was thought that this signal would allay the fear prevailing among the crew as to the fate of the squadron. In the Indian Ocean great difficulties were encountered and some of the crew who were not accustomed to the sea were unable to attend to their duties. At Singapore we received information concerning the whereabouts of the Second Squadron, and the junction with that squadron was effected at sea off Annam on May 5, when all the crews were formed upon the decks and cheers for the Tsar were given. The men were in high spirits. The squadron spent some time in repairing and cleaning the vessels, and the crews were given a rest. Admiral Rojestvensky then summoned the Admirals and Captains of the fleet to his flagship and held a conference as to the route to be taken by the fleet. The conference lasted several hours. An admiral said that the enemy in the Sea of Japan was not to be despised, and suggested that the Russian Fleet should proceed to the Soya Straits by the way of the Pacific. Another admiral approved the proposal to take the Pacific route, but was of the opinion that the Russian fleet should force the passage of the Tsugaru Straits. A captain, however, protested against this proposal, saying, " We have come from one hemisphere of the world to another and must emulate the deeds of Nelson. There is no use of flying from the enemy in our front and taking refuge in the Pacific. We should take Formosa at once and establish our base there." The younger officers expressed their approval of this gallant proposal by clapping their hands and stamping their feet. Admiral Rojestvensky then conferred with his staff officers, on the conclusion of which he announced that the fleet would proceed to Vladivostock via Tsushima. The decision was received with cheers. Champagne was then produced and Rojestvensky proposed the success of the fatherland and the health of the crews. The toast was heartily responded to, amid much embracing and enthusiasm. On leaving the flagship the admirals and captains received an ovation from the crew of the flagship. This impressive scene took place in the China Sea. On the 18th, the fleet left the sea of Annam. The Flagship signalled, " The enemy is near but our destination remote. The destiny of Russia will be decided within a week. Sacrifice your life for the sake of your fatherland ! " The fleet passed the Balintang straits on the night of the 19th ; then turned northwards, proceeding east of Shanghai towards the Tsushima Straits. Прошу высказать свои комментарии.

Ответов - 4 новых

Pr.Eugen: invisible пишет: Следующий отрывок взят из японской летописи РЯВ. Имеется в виду "Описание боевых действий на море в 37-38 ггю Мэйдзи"

Ingles: Странно. Может просто придумка офицера? Эти мнения высказывались разными людьми в разное время, но вроде никто толком не знал, каким путём пойдёт 2 ТОЭ почти до самой Цусимы.

invisible: Pr.Eugen пишет: Имеется в виду "Описание боевых действий на море в 37-38 ггю Мэйдзи" Нет. Источник:The Russo-Japanese War: [fully illustrated]. Tokio: Kinkodo-Shoseki-Kabushiki-Kaisha: Maruzen ..., 1904-1905. Ingles пишет: Странно. Может просто придумка офицера? Эти мнения высказывались разными людьми в разное время, но вроде никто толком не знал, каким путём пойдёт 2 ТОЭ почти до самой Цусимы. Может быть. Другие мемуаристы об этом совещании вроде не рассказывают.

Pr.Eugen: В "Описании боевых действий на море в 37-38 гг. Мэйдзи" просто даже ничего похожего нет:упоминаются только метания Небогатова в связи со слухами о приходе в Сингапур японской эскадры.

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