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Экспериментальная стрельба Сикисима

realswat: Источник, так понимаю - рапорт Джексона May 4th. Long range experimental firing. The Shikishima carried out some experimental firing at long range. A large number of officers from other ships proceeded on board to witness the firing. Very little has been learnt as to this practice. She used the island fired at on April, 25th as a target, and anchored 5800 yards from it. Powder ammunition was used, and the experiments were in some way connected with it. One round was fired from each 12-in gun, none of which hit. Five rounds was fired fron 6-in gun, resulting in two hits. The experiments are said to have been failures.

Ответов - 2 новых

NMD: уже было где-го вроде...

realswat: Было, но судя по результатам поиска в гугле - сплыло. А, поскольку тема о том, что японцы проводили учебные стрельбы на некие "предельные дистанции", решил дать эту инфу снова, как пищу для размышлений.

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